Quality, safety and above all customer satisfaction brought the Olmec srl to celebrate over 40 years of experience in pneumatic and hydraulic sector.
Who We Are?
A company that promotes the development of the Hydraulic Technology and its industrial applications, addressed to invest in resources directed to research and development to anticipate and serve the market and to better satisfy the customer.
What We Produce?
Pneumohydraulic Pumps, Air-Air Pumps, Electric Power Units, Air-Oil Boosters, Oil-Oil Boosters, Clamping Cylinders, Air-Hydraulic Jacks, Pneumatic Jacks, Hydraulic Fork-Lift Truck Jacks, Hydraulic Bead-Breakers.
How We Work
The building, made with technologically advanced machinery and equipment, is designed to achieve high levels of accuracy and consistency. The simple construction, the use of materials titled, as well as' a continuous and accurate monitoring of quality work to provide a safe product to those who must design and build machines with proven reliability.
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